Joseph Paul Moonjely
This is just a small test on
recursion using T-SQL.In SQL Server Management Studio, we connect to our local
server, we open a new query window and we create a new database for our test.
DATABASE [RecursionTest]
USE RecursionTest
USE RecursionTest
Next, we create a simple table that
links an employee to his direct manager
TABLE DirectManager
EmployeeId INT,
DirectManagerId INT NULL
EmployeeId INT,
DirectManagerId INT NULL
and we populate the table with a
hierarchy of employee-manager relationships.
@counter INT
SET @counter = 2
WHILE @counter < 18
INSERT INTO DirectManager (EmployeeId, DirectManagerId)
VALUES(@counter, @counter / 2)
SET @counter = @counter + 1
SET @counter = 2
WHILE @counter < 18
INSERT INTO DirectManager (EmployeeId, DirectManagerId)
VALUES(@counter, @counter / 2)
SET @counter = @counter + 1
The contents of the table are listed
We have a simple hierarchy with each
direct manager managing up to 2 employees. We assume that both DirectManagerId and EmployeeId are foreign keys to an Employee table.
Now, we want to find all employees
below a certain manager, i.e. the employees managed directly by him/her, the
employees they manage and so on. If we think of the relationship
manager-employee as parent-child relationship, we want to find all ancestors.
To do this we need to use recursion, as we do not know a priori how deep we
need to go. For example, if we needed to find all grandchildren we know we need
to perform a single self-join to get the answer, or for all grand-grandchildren
we need two self-joins. However, in our case we need an arbitrary number of
To perform recursion, we are going
to use the WITH keyword to name a temporary set, and within its definition
we are going to query the very same temporary set.
We define a set ManagedEmployee that
contains an employee that falls under a specific manager. The recursive query
always contains three parts
- A base query that contains the seed of our query,
- a recursive query that references the set we are defining, and
- the keyword UNION ALL between the two queries that joins the two sets.
For a given manager with id equal to
ManagerId we first find all the employees that he/she is directly
managing. Next, we do a join on the result and find the employees that they are
managing directly, and then recursion takes over to do the rest.
@managerId INT
SET @managerId = 3
;WITH ManagedEmployee(ManagerId, EmployeeId) as
-- Base or anchor query
SELECT DirectManagerId, EmployeeId
FROM DirectManager
WHERE DirectManagerId = @managerId
-- Recursive query
SELECT me.ManagerId, dm.EmployeeId
FROM ManagedEmployee AS me
JOIN DirectManager AS dm
ON me.EmployeeId = dm.DirectManagerId
WHERE me.ManagerId = @managerId
SELECT * FROM ManagedEmployee ORDER BY EmployeeId
SET @managerId = 3
;WITH ManagedEmployee(ManagerId, EmployeeId) as
-- Base or anchor query
SELECT DirectManagerId, EmployeeId
FROM DirectManager
WHERE DirectManagerId = @managerId
-- Recursive query
SELECT me.ManagerId, dm.EmployeeId
FROM ManagedEmployee AS me
JOIN DirectManager AS dm
ON me.EmployeeId = dm.DirectManagerId
WHERE me.ManagerId = @managerId
SELECT * FROM ManagedEmployee ORDER BY EmployeeId
The result we get is the following.
Employee 3 is managing directly
employees 6, 7, and they are managing employees 12, 13, 14 and 15. Therefore,
they are all under employee 3.
Similarly, to find all the employees
managed by employee 2 we just need to change @managerId value in
the recursive query above
@managerId = 2
and the result we get is
Some final comments (using SQL
SERVER 2008):
- The keyword WITH RECURSIVE cannot be used in T-SQL to declare explicitly that the set is recursive, we simply use WITH.
- It is not possible to use UNION instead of UNION ALL when joining the base query with the recursive query.
- It is not possible to perform nonlinear recursion where we perform a join of the recursive set ManagedEmployee on itself within the recursive query.
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